Here are the 8 best diet plans to help you shed weight and improve your overall health.
- Intermittent fasting is a dietary strategy that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. Intermittent fasting restricts the time you’re allowed to eat, which is a simple way to reduce your calorie intake. This can lead to weight loss — unless you compensate by eating too much food during allowed eating periods.
- Plant-based diets may help you lose weight. Vegetarianism and veganism are the most popular versions, which restrict animal products for health, ethical, and environmental reasons. There are many types of vegetarianism, but most involve eliminating all meat, poultry, and fish. Some vegetarians may likewise avoid eggs and dairy. The vegan diet takes it a step further by restricting all animal products, as well as animal-derived products like dairy, gelatin, honey, whey, casein, and albumin.
- Low-carb diets are among the most popular diets for weight loss. Examples include the Atkins diet, Ketogenic Diet, and low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diet. Low-carb diets restrict your carb intake in favor of protein and fat. They’re typically higher in protein than low-fat diets, which is important, as protein can help curb your appetite, raise your metabolism, and conserve muscle mass.
- The paleo diet advocates eating the same foods that your hunter-gatherer ancestors allegedly ate.t’s based on the theory that modern diseases are linked to the Western diet, as proponents believe that the human body hasn’t evolved to process legumes, grains, and dairy. The paleo diet advocates eating whole foods, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts, and seeds.
- Low-fat diets In general, a low-fat diet involves restricting your fat intake to 30% of your daily calories. Some very- and ultra-low-fat diets aim to limit fat consumption to under 10% of calories
- The Mediterranean diet is based on foods that people in countries like Italy and Greece used to eat. Though it was designed to lower heart disease risk, numerous studies indicate that it can also aid weight loss. The Mediterranean diet advocates eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, tubers, whole grains, fish, seafood, and extra virgin olive oil.
- WW (Weight Watchers), is one of the most popular weight loss programs worldwide. While it doesn’t restrict any food groups, people on a WW plan must eat within their set daily points to reach their ideal weight. WW is a points-based system that assigns different foods and beverages a value, depending on their calorie, fat, and fiber contents.
- The DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension),, is an eating plan that is designed to help treat or prevent high blood pressure, which is clinically known as hypertension. It emphasizes eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats and is low in salt, red meat, added sugars, and fat.. The DASH diet recommends specific servings of different food groups. The number of servings you are allowed to eat depends on your daily calorie intake.