I love birthday parties. Happy faces, merry times, and my personal favorite, delicious cake. Everyone takes a piece, forking into the butter-cream topping and reaching that oh-so-good fluffy cake center.
They ask you if you want a piece, to which you respond:
“Sorry… but I’m on a diet.”
Instantly the room turns against you and your villainous statement. Certainly, there’s a devil on your shoulder who will ask: “No cake? But one slice wouldn’t hurt — would it?”
Certainly not! So you break your diet — temporarily, at least we tell ourselves — and will jump back into it after one, maybe two slices of cake (three slices tops). This is the beginning of another failed diet, and while it may seem sensible to blame yourself, it is your mindset towards dieting which has failed you.
Did you know: 95 percent of people fail diets and regain weight. Why is this the case? Because limiting our favorite foods is not sustainable.
Willpower is a finite resource — it’s deeper for others — but eventually you will drive yourself insane or give in. This is why diets have a high failure rate; limiting food options is not a long-term plan.
Speaking as an investor, long-term plans are golden. We need to stop hedging our bets towards short-term extreme options like restrictive diets. Dieting is like throwing a hail mary with 10-seconds left on the clock. It may work 5% of the time, but usually, it ends with someone dropping the ball (or it doesn’t even get past the line of scrimmage).
We need to focus on playing the long game instead of focusing on a hail mary diet to save us. We need to change the way we look at food. Let’s rewire our twisted circuitry.
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The Best Diet to Lose Weight Fast
In order to maintain a diet, you must have the discipline of a monk. Like exercise, you may be able to do it at first, but creating a lifelong habit is the real challenge. This is why keeping all food options open is the most sustainable dietary choice. Instead of looking at foods as “good” or “bad” look at food as nutrition.
From a calorie standpoint, a generous slice of yellow cake will have around 300 to 400 calories. This is the same amount of two scoopfuls of almonds, or two bananas, or a tasty low-sugar yogurt. The difference is this: that one slice of cake is nowhere near as nutritious as the aforementioned options.
Unlike those cleaner options, the cake is high in sugar and processed ingredients.
Sugar lights up the brain the same way drugs do and is bad for our gut-health. And even if you buy from one of those high-end bakeries, that cake may be full of junk ingredients like vegetable oils (bad for heart health) and Yellow #5 (weird flavor additives that cause cancer).
Calories are a small piece of the puzzle when it comes to health. A donut has fewer calories than grilled chicken. Reese peanut butter cups are lower calorically than a bag of broccoli. You could make comparisons like this until your blue in the face.
Food companies realize the hypnotizing effect of calories. They’re all we ever hear about on commercials or the first thing we see on a nutrition label. Don’t fall for it.
Read ingredient labels. If there’s something on the back you don’t understand, research it. Look into the quality of your macronutrient profile. Carbs from cake and carbs from oatmeal are two completely different things. This applies to protein and fats as well (i.e. I can get my fats from fried chicken or a better source like Macadamia nuts).
If you focus on the quality of your nutrition, the weight will come off fast and this time you will be able to sustain it.
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Final Thought
This isn’t neuroscience, but it is easier said than done. Once the cards are on the table, and the cake is right next to the salad, things get real.
It’s ok to slip up. The real problem is punishing yourself so severely for it. Diets are played like a Super Bowl game when our bodies should be treated as an entire season. If you eat quality foods for the week, one slice of cake will not kill you. There, I said it.
The most important thing is to make a long-term sustainable plan that incorporates some of your favorite foods; even if they’re unhealthy. Hold yourself accountable. Lay down some ground rules for your health.
Above all, don’t treat yourself like a tyrant by eliminating everything you love. Instead, treat yourself how a good boss treats an employee: give yourself a reward when you do a good job.
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