Before I got out of bed this morning, I sat in meditation using my friend, Adam Brewer’s guided audio 3-Minute Meditations.
I’ve got to tell you, it feels so good to sit still for just a few short minutes and calm my mind and cultivate enthusiasm for the day.
I know it will for you too!
If you ever watched Late Night With David Letterman, then you know about his famous Top 10 Lists where he always started with #10 first.
Well, just like Dave, Adam put together a 10 Top List for the best reasons to learn to meditate, beginning with reason #10.
Here you go… The Top 10 Reasons To Learn To Meditate:
10. You will only have to listen to 2 or 3 of the 20 voices in your head.
9. Your car horn will get some rest from you banging on it incessantly.
8. You will no longer need to explain to your significant other why there's an empty Doritos bag on the counter.
7. Your friends will once again enjoy pleasant, uplifting conversations with you.
6. Your face will appreciate the opportunity to smile many more times a day.
5. You will experience greater connection with everyone in your life.
4. Your sex life will improve.
3. You will enjoy waking up with a new-found enthusiasm for the day.
2. You will decrease the amount of stress, anxiety and overwhelm in your life.
And, drumroll please…
1. You will increase happiness, peace of mind, productivity and creativity in your life!
If any of these reasons struck a chord, you can learn to meditate with Adam Brewer’s program, 3-Minute Meditations.
It’s by far the easiest and fastest way to begin meditating. TODAY you can pick up your copy for ONLY $27. Please don't miss out on this opportunity.
What Happy 3 Minute Meditators Are Saying:
“3 Minute Meditations provided an easy to follow introduction to meditation. Adding three minutes of meditation to my routine has been relaxing, energizing, and grounding. It has become regular part of my day that I will enthusiastically continue. I would highly recommend it for anyone looking for a systematic method of learning to implement daily meditation. Amazing how just three minutes of meditation can be so energizing! Ready to go workout!
Thank you for including me, Adam!”
J. R. Schulte,
MA, CCC-A Zionsville, Indiana
“As a freelance television producer working sometimes 60+ hours a week while juggling my teenage daughter’s schedule and trying not to neglect my husband, my days are almost always stressful!
So when Adam offered the 21-day-meditation challenge to sit for three minutes a day, I seized the opportunity to incorporate the practice into my life. I had explored meditation briefly during a particularly stressful work project via Kundalini Yoga – I loved it and it really helped, but when we moved offices and the studio became less convenient I let the practice fall to the wayside.
One of the things that really attracted me to 3-Minute Meditations was that this was something I could do for myself, at-home or anywhere.
Adam has created a simple technique that offers an easy entry into meditation, and he also provides a community to share experiences and offer support and advice, which I found useful and inspirational.
I am thrilled to report that during the challenge, I was better able to deal with tense situations and difficult people. My anxiety levels have most definitely dropped (see ya Xanax)…
I would highly recommend 3-Minute Meditations to anyone who is interested in exploring meditation but isn’t sure how to begin – the practice has truly added value to my life (and by extension, the lives I touch on a daily basis).
Having Adam as my guide into this practice has been a real blessing, and I believe that his unique perspective and approach has the potential to so many people who, like me, find themselves overwhelmed by the demands of the multi-tasking, fast-paced world in which we live.”
- L. Ward
Santa Monica, CA