Thursday, October 1

How To Lose Weight With The Keto Diet

How To Lose Weight With The Keto Diet

The Keto Diet is an effective way to lose weight, by drastically reducing carbohydrates, we empty our glycogen stores and cause the body to burn fat for energy. This is one of the many reasons why keto is so successful. The ketogenic diet also has a supportive effect, filling you up for a long time and thus you automatically consume fewer calories. Win-Win I would say!

Don't we all know that? We want to lose weight, read about a new, trendy diet, start highly motivated, but as always, the result is a long time coming. You are in a bad mood, hungry, limp ... and give up. What does keto do differently? Keto picks up on these very problems and solves them. Most diets such as low fat are lacking in essential nutrients, so it's no wonder we lack energy. When properly implemented, keto is a healthy and nutrient-rich form of nutrition that is even used by large, reputable hospitals for their patients.

Why a healthy weight is so important

Nowadays many people are overweight for various reasons, some more, some less, but many are above a healthy normal weight and thus harm their body. So, apart from the fact that the ketogenic diet brings enormous health benefits, weight loss, in general, is definitely the most important factor. Of course, you feel better, more confident, and maybe even more attractive when you lose weight, but there is a lot more to it than that.

According to a recent study by the World Health Organization (WHO), Germans are getting fatter and more than half of adults are overweight, almost a quarter of them are morbidly overweight. Children and adolescents are also gaining in weight, where around 15% have too much on the scales. 

Every kilogram counts and even small steps bring big, positive changes with them because being overweight can lead to serious health problems.

High cholesterol

Overweight individuals tend to have elevated bad LDL cholesterol levels and lower good HDL cholesterol levels. But we want to achieve the opposite because low LDL values ​​and high HDL values ​​lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as strokes or heart attacks.

Type 2 diabetes

Belly fat is one of the most dangerous fat deposits, and for good reason. Belly fat is linked to insulin resistance, so it inhibits your body's ability to take glucose out of the bloodstream and use it for energy. This causes blood sugar levels to rise, which can ultimately lead to diabetes and cause serious heart, eye or nervous diseases.


The higher your weight, the greater the stress on the joints and cartilage; especially in old age, this can lead to serious consequential damage.

Liver damage

Fat accumulation in the liver can lead to serious damage. Overweight people have an increased risk of liver diseases such as cirrhosis.


Even if it has not yet been clearly proven that being overweight or obese can directly lead to cancer, it has been found that increased body fat levels are associated with increased risks for various types of cancer.

Let's lose weight!

So why is keto such an effective diet for losing weight? The Keto Diet brings you many building blocks that, when put together, make your pounds shed. If you stick to the guidelines, nothing stands in the way of your goal.

Your body burns its own fat reserves

When your body runs out of carbohydrates, it inevitably has to look for another source and finds it in fat. So as long as you have emptied your glycogen stores and are not supplying new carbohydrates, your body is accessing your fat reserves. This kills two birds with one stone. On the one hand, as already mentioned, you burn fat and lose weight, on the other hand, thanks to the body's own fat reserves, you always have enough resources with you, which means a constant energy level and long-lasting endurance.

Keto suppresses appetite

Now we have learned that in ketosis you use fat as energy and burn it effectively. Another benefit is that keto suppresses the hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for stimulating appetite. In addition, the ketogenic diet influences the peptide hormone, which is partly responsible for controlling the feeling of hunger. This is a great benefit of keto and motivates you to persevere longer because you don't feel deprived. 

Healthy fats keep you full for a long time

In the ketogenic diet, you consume a large amount of fat, which ensures that you stay full for a long time and do not constantly feel hungry, and fat helps to keep your blood sugar level stable, which leads to the prevention of energy and performance lows. 

But isn't that much fat unhealthy?

A common misconception is that fat is unhealthy; in fact, good fats are important for your body and should not be missing from a balanced diet. Since fat makes up around 70% of your calories, healthy fats play a large role in the ketogenic diet and have health benefits.

Saturated fat improves your HDL and LDL cholesterol levels (increases good HDL cholesterol in the blood to prevent LDL from building up in the arteries), supports important hormones, strengthens your immune system, and helps maintain your bone density.

Monounsaturated fatty acids have always had a good reputation and are considered healthy, and many studies have shown important health benefits such as lowering blood pressure, reduced risk of heart disease, and improved insulin resistance.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids should be consumed cold and not used in cooking, as heating can generate free radicals, which have been linked to inflammation and the risk of cancer and heart disease. However, a healthy ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 can lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, and autoimmune diseases, and polyunsaturated fatty acids can also relieve symptoms of depression.

Recommended saturated fats

  • butter
  • cream
  • lard
  • Eggs
  • Red meat
  • Coconut oil
  • Cocoa butter

Recommended monounsaturated fats

  • Olive oil (extra virgin)
  • Avocados
  • Avocado oil
  • lard
  • Goose fat
  • bacon

Recommended polyunsaturated fats

  • Olive oil (extra virgin)
  • Flaxseed & Flaxseed Oil
  • Nut oils
  • Avocado oil
  • Walnuts
  • Oily fish
  • Fish oil
  • sesame oil
  • Chia seeds

How Fast Can I Lose Weight With Keto?

You see several points of the ketogenic diet support weight loss.

  • Increased fat burning
  • Less appetite and no cravings
  • Long filling
  • Less fat is stored in the body (due to low insulin levels)

As soon as you have the first few weeks behind you, your body begins to burn fat for energy more and more effectively, as long as you are now in a calorie deficit, you burn fat around the clock and lose weight. Do not let standstills unsettle you, if you stick to the macro distribution and are in deficit, you lose weight, even if the scales fluctuate up and down, that's completely normal.

You can't say how fast you will lose weight, there are too many different factors that play a role, such as how big your calorie deficit is, your state of health, your physique, your environment, and much more. If you still do not lose weight, read our article about the most common beginner mistakes, maybe you will find the one point that is hooked here.

Calories or carbohydrates?

What is more important to lose weight? Should I count calories? Or is it enough if I eat a ketogenic diet? Well, especially if you are just starting out with the ketogenic diet, you should approach it slowly. For many, a 180-degree turn is too much and it can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Therefore, I often advise adjusting your diet first and not paying attention to the calories until the body has got used to it and begins to produce ketones.

But of course, you need a calorie deficit to lose weight, no matter how you eat. The advantage of keto, however, is that you need a lower deficit to lose weight, so you can eat more than you would on a high-carbohydrate diet and still lose weight. Still, you have to burn more than you consume, that's just a fact.

But, you know what? The ketogenic diet naturally ensures that we automatically consume fewer calories. Keto is high in healthy fats, full of protein and fiber, foods that keep you full for a long time, such as meat and low-carb vegetables. If you follow a ketogenic diet, it automatically leads to fat loss. On the one hand, because you already know that your body fat is used as energy through ketosis, on the other hand, because people who follow a ketogenic diet automatically eat fewer calories without even realizing it.

Do I have to do sports to lose weight?

Basically not ... in the ketogenic diet you can burn fat and lose weight without exercise, exercise and sporting activities will still help you achieve your desired weight.

Strength training helps you lose weight by building muscle, increasing your basal metabolic rate, and using more calories. In contrast to long cardio units, workouts such as THIS one burn more calories without unnecessarily increasing the appetite.

So there is nothing against sports activities, on the contrary, exercise is important for your body, your psychological well-being, and above all for your cardiovascular system. To lose weight, however, you do not need to incorporate any extra sports units.

In a nutshell

Keto is an incredible form of nutrition that has tons of positive benefits. When it comes to losing weight, there is hardly a better type of diet. In the state of ketosis or fat-adaptation, your body uses fat as an energy source and burns it. In addition, keto is filling for a long time and suppresses cravings, so you automatically consume fewer calories. So you automatically break down fat and move in a calorie deficit with ease.

If you want help to get your Keto Diet started, i highly recommend you to try
The Custom Keto Diet Plan

A highly popular program that provides you with many different easy daily recipes as well as uncomplicatedly written information about the keto diet. 

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